Sunday, September 26, 2010

Comic book Characters

Living With Les - Lyman Dally

Lyman Dally is an illustrator and bodybuilder. His comic strips very a lot of details, some bring much more details than others. Dally not only looks for realistic things through his drawing (bringing details and expressions), but he also talks about modern issues that not only happens inside a family home, but in the society as well, especially with the new generation. The balloons are written in the same way the characters would say, which means that the writing is very similar to the way people say the words, making the strip very informal.
Living With Les is about a guy that got laid-off from his job and had to move back to his parents house, showing the difficulties to find a job, but at the same time he is lazy to get off the couch and talk to employers. This is a fairly new comic strip, it was launched in 2009 and it has been acquiring a lot of fans.
Calvin and Hobbes - Bill Watterson

Bill Watterson is an American cartoonist that created Calvin and Hobbes back in 1985, and the comic strips were syndicated daily until 1995, when Watterson stopped drawing and sent a letter to fans and newspaper editors that he felt he had reached everything he could in the comic strip medium.
Calvin and Hobbes has a little sarcastic tone and very childish and adventurous at the same time coming from Calvin. He has a very good friend called Hobbes, a tiger that for most people is just a stuffed animal, but for Calving he is more a real and live friend than anything else.
The drawing is very simple, it carries little details. It is very much focused on the text and what the characters say way more than it is focused in the drawings.

Dragon Ball Z - Akira Toriyama
Akira Toriyama created Dragon Ball Z, starting in 1984 by coming out weekly, it lasted until 1995. The comic is pretty much about Goku, a little boy that is always training martial arts, going from his childhood through adulthood. He explores the world searching for 7 mystical objects, called Dragon Balls. Throughout his journey, he has to fight with several enemies, and he also makes friends along the way. This comic stories was inspired by the Chinese folk novel called Journey to the West.
The comic is very unrealistic, and it is very similar to any other Japanese comic strip by sometimes zooming in the drawing on the character’s face and bright eyes. Also the way the artist shows sounds and intensity is through drawing shapes around the character whenever he/she is fighting. Depending on what is happening, the shapes can have sharp angles, or they can be round, it’s all about the intensity.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Exercise 5

It reminds them as some Greek art, because it looks like there are 2 columns beside me
It also looks like something imaginary, because my head is not attached to anything, just floating around.
I tried to make it look like it was me looking outside of the window, so the two shapes beside me would represent a curtain.